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Alumni of EO Beijing Metropolitan
Once an EO Beijing Metropolitan Member, you're always going to be part of our community. We have a dedicated group for alumni to stay connected with other alumni and also those currently active members.

Sophie Su

David Connolly
Tomer Rothschild
Bottega Food & Beverage
"Being a member of EO provides gives you access to an amazing community of entrepreneurs that give you the tools and support to grow both professionally and personally."
"I enjoy EO for its unparalleled support network - ranging from practical advice valuable to entrepreneurs in China to learning moments and training seminars that help me grow as a person and as an entrepreneur."

Joel Shuchat
"EO gives me a chance to interact, connect and consult with an enormous group people who share the same lonely battle of running your own successful enterprise; and the shared frame of reference, insight and friendships gained help to push me forward with confidence."

Guy Sivan

Stacy Palestrant
"I enjoy being an EO member because I have found a very special peer group: other entrepreneurs who can understand my challenges and triumphs and who can offer perspective based on their experiences."
"By joining EO you join a group of people who share similar values and experiences to yourself, and you are put into groups where you can form deeper meaningful long term relationships with those people. You could try to do it yourself over time, or just join and get it all immediately handed to you in a silver platter."

Kit Harford
Samuele Rossi
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